Cost Control

25.05.21 09:25 AM By Stephen

Many organizations tend to overspend thousands, if not tens of thousands of shillings, on corporate transportation services for their company and their employees. A cause for concern arises when organizations don’t have complete control over the final destination of their employees’ trip. When there isn’t complete control of the beginning and end of an employee’s trip, the original estimated price for a trip can end up amounting to more than what was originally estimated.

In an effort to continue providing reliable, timely and safe services, PTG has a cost-effective way to control costs and save employers from overspending on transportation costs through an approval function.

The approval function is a control measure that, when used, will require a company administrator or department manager/s to approve an employee’s trip before PTG can allocate a driver to execute any booking. Any changes that an employee wants to make during a trip will have to be approved by the approver before being implemented.

Through this approval function, PTG is paving the way for organization’s to control costs on transportation and to save money. 
